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NakedSea 16-9

International Awareness

Country Branding, PR

International awareness campaign for the Dead Sea's precarious condition.


All the marketing activities behind the project. From strategy & production, to managing the press and content distribution.


Spencer Tunick


Spencer Tunick was commissioned to raise international awareness of the precarious condition of the Dead Sea, while at the same time, highlight the liberal face of Israel; changing the global headlines about Israel from “tanks and terror” to the beautiful “people and places” in Israel that are frequently ignored by the press. 

Knowing the subject would be incredibly controversial as Israel as a whole is a conservative society. Nomadigo was tasked with all the marketing activities behind the project. From strategy & production, to managing the press and content distribution.

Project Stages

  • Research the market and determine how to get people to participate in the event itself.
  • Manage the online and offline marketing activities, creating awareness & building a community who would evangelize the project nationally.
  • Manage the media and create opportunities for PR, photo and video coverage;  giving each a ‘little something unique’ keeping journalists happy and supportive of the project.
  • Combat and manage any negative press or feedback from politicians, rabbis or other opponents to the project.
  • Convince people to ‘pay to participate’ in the event itself—something that had never been done before at any of Spencer's events — while encouraging additional people to donate to make the project a reality.
  • Assist in raising over $250,000+ from the government and private sector to produce the event.   
Dead Sea
“Nomadigo understood  how to build and execute a media strategy that would create and maintain momentum. Ari’s strategic ability to forecast and plan ahead  enabled us to predict, avoid and deal with a highly controversial issue—keeping the media solidly behind the project from start to finish. In addition due to the work of the Nomadigo team, we surpassed our targets ten fold, and the positive global exposure received  by the project ,was worth about $5 Million in PR for the state of Israel.”                  

Ari Fruchter, Producer  




Nomadigo developed coverage of the event over the course of two years, starting with a grassroots team that built a community.  This community served as the core evangelists who catapulted the story into the media and became overnight sensations. Over 5500 people signed up to participate in the project (due to police limitations only 1,200 were allowed to participate). 

Achievements: Nomadigo generated over 151,000+ mentions of the Naked Sea project in the global press in English alone; when other languages are taken into account, we pass the million mark, including tens of thousands in Arabic — far surpassing any other positive PR campaign in the Israel’s history.  

Spencer's work fundamentally changed Israel’s perception globally; directly impacting  international tourism and trade. Resulting in 550M+ people around the world seeing the images of Israel and learning about the Dead Sea. This led to it being ranked the 9th Natural Wonder of the World; bringing a 30% sustained increase, of international visitors to it since 2011.

ROI: Priceless change in perception
30% Increase in Tourism
PR & Media Value $5M+.


500 Expected Participants
5500+ Participants signed up
120+ Volunteers on the project
100+ Journalists directly contacted
500M+ Media Coverage
193 Articles Tier 1 English Media