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Market Research

Market Analysis 
In-depth market research project focused on Swiss Food Industry opportunities in the Israeli Food Tech sector.
Industry & market research for JVs and FDI .

Switzerland Global Enterprise


The Switzerland Food Tech Market Analysis by Nomadigo aimed to fuse Swiss food manufacturing expertise with innovative Israeli Food Tech advancements.

This project targeted creating joint ventures (JVs) and attracting global Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into a rapidly growing market.


The Swiss food manufacturing sector, known for its multinational enterprises, sought to align with the evolving global food trends. The Israeli Food Tech market, with substantial investment in areas like alternative proteins and cultured meats, presented an opportunity for Swiss companies to integrate cutting-edge technology into their product lines.

Project Stages

  • Swiss Company Research: Understanding the needs and potential areas for value addition in Swiss food manufacturing.
  • Israeli Market Exploration: Researching over 400 Israeli Food Tech companies, investors, startups, accelerators, and multinationals with R&D centers.
  • Sector and Technology Mapping: Building a list of relevant sectors, technologies, academics, and VCs in the Food Tech space.
  • Trend Analysis and Opportunity Identification: Analyzing market trends and tender opportunities for Swiss companies.
  • Expertise Documentation: Detailing Israel's diverse expertise in alternative proteins, insect-based foods, yeast-based foods, cultured proteins, sugar solutions, plant-based food, waste management, and food enhancement.
  • Cultural and Market Development Insights: Providing insights into cultural drivers such as Kosher practices that propelled Israel's leadership in Food Tech.
  • Preparation for Collaboration: Laying the groundwork for a Swiss-Israeli trade mission to foster collaboration.
"The Swiss Government, through Switzerland Global Enterprise, recognized this analysis as foundational for future Swiss-Israeli collaborations to expand Swiss exports and attract FDI through JV's and strategic partnerships in the Food Tech industry."
Mehmet YildirimliSenior Consultant Africa Turkiye & Israel, Switzerland Global Enterprise


  • The report stimulated interest in the Israeli market, leading to plans for a trade mission and an upcoming road show.
  • Expected outcomes include joint ventures, research projects, and new funding avenues.


  • Conducted research on over 400 companies across 8 technology sectors
  • Identified a total investment of $1.75B in the Israeli Food Tech market


The Switzerland Food Tech Market Analysis by Nomadigo exemplifies the power of strategic market research in aligning multinational capabilities with innovative technology sectors. By connecting Swiss manufacturing prowess with Israeli Food Tech innovation, the project opens doors for novel product development and market expansion, illustrating how international collaborations can drive exponential growth in rapidly evolving industries.