Product Launch: Gourmet Food
NakedSea Salt wanted to launch an awareness campaign to acquire international customers and distributers. Nomadigo was hired to handle the production of the corporate movie, a viral video as well as the public relations and social media surrounding the launch.
The Naked Sea management team needed to differentiate themselves from other gourmet salts and highlight the health benefits, unique flavors and in addition, they had to position themselves as the “premium “ brand to justify the incredibly high price points of $15-$24 for a few ounces of salt.
Project Stages
- Research the market and determine partnership opportunities that would give legitimacy to the product and its claims.
- Develop a corporate video outlining NakedSea’s unique selling points.
- Develop supporting videos about NakedSea’s for a low touch sale.
- Manage the media and create opportunities for PR coverage; keeping journalists happy and supportive of the project.
- Raise $10,000 in a ‘Kickstarter’ campaign launch about the product — while recruiting distributors to contribute to make the project a reality.
“Gourmet Salt is not an easy sell - people have to pay 10x what they would pay for normal salt. How do you get someone who cant taste your product to pay for it when it doesn't even exist yet?”
“Nomadigo took this task and created one of the best crowd funding videos ever, driving an 81% conversion rate on our campaign. This rate is very rare and due to it we managed to raise 60% of our funds from Kickstarter backers who had never even heard of us! through other channels!!!”
Ari Fruchter, CEO
Nomadigo managed to build up significant coverage of the product launch. Out of over 100 journalists contacted, 60 expressed interest in learning more about the product. Nomadigo managed to get 40+ publications to cover the product launch from around the world including a live interview and tasting on Bloomberg TV.
In addition to the standard PR, Nomadigo handled the social media for the campaign; Over 800,000+ views were generated on Facebook and Twitter. The branding and exposure given to the product reached millions in the UK, USA, Europe, & Israel. Naked Sea's social media imprint went from zero to 3000+ followers over the course of 40 days.
After getting initial PR exposure about the product, over 3,700+ people clicked through the various articles published to watch the product video and learn more about NakedSea; 43% of them watched the video 1,284 backed the project—leading to a conversion rate of 81% for the video!!!
Achievements: 600% better than expected—reaching the original goal of $10K in under 48 hours & over $60,000 by the end of the campaign. The campaign drew in potential distributors interested in bringing NakedSea Salt to the market. Even though the campaign has “ended” there are still additional stories coming out in many editorial calendars that will continue to help e-commerce grow.
ROI: PR coverage and the social media exposure estimated value is at over $150,000+.