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Can-Am Desert

Product Launce: Automotive/Adventure

Video Production, Media

"HaMahalach HaMaverick" campaign - product launch for Can-Am Maveric in the Israeli market.


All the marketing activities behind the project, from strategy & production to managing competition and partners.


The Maverick is a premium two-seater side by side extreme off-road vehicle used for adventure tourism and transport in difficult terrain.

Nomadigo was hired by Can-Am Israel with the task of launching the Maverick into the local market and getting users of competing products to trial the new vehicle. 

Project Stages

  • Conducting a market analysis and defining high net worth target customers.
  • Creating a marketing campaign for the launch of the new Maverick Turbo.
  • Launch, manage and execute every aspect of the campaign: partnerships video content, media and advertising.  
Can-Am airborn
“Nomadigo understood how to position our product and create a launch strategy that successfully displaced our competitor from its reigning position; converting existing users of our competitors products for the past 8 years, into our customers.  We gained 37% market share in one year and sold out of our allotted inventory, unable to keep up with market demand. Such a dramatic shift is unheard of in our industry.”

Rami Uziel, CEO - CanAm Israel





Nomadigo planned and executed a creative marketing plan utilizing social media. This included both a video contest with content produced by people with off-road vehicles, as well as native content produced and designed specifically to sway particular buying personas. Nomadigo produced 150 engaging action packed videos and client testimonials to this end shared on social media as well as the press.

Nomadigo was responsible for building partnerships, developing, managing and launching a social media challenge, where the target audience competed by submitting videos, photos and stories. The competition called for participants' to share exciting stories of how they use their off-road vehicles. The top prize awarded to the winner was a Maverick Turbo vehicle, with hundreds of other prizes for runners ups provided by well known sponsors such as: VISA, Samsung, Shoei, Cinema City, Cardo Scala Rider, Sector and BLU.

The marketing campaign reached over 25% of the Israeli population, achieving a unique click through rate (uCTR) of 15.5% and had over a 30% viral share rate. This generated over 3 million views and over 58 million impressions on social and regular media. Hundreds of people sent in their videos for the challenge. The resulting social media hype naturally spread the campaign along with word about the product itself.

As a result, Nomadigo’s HaMahalach HaMaverick marketing campaign, led to the sale of over 200+ non-street-legal $40,000 vehicles, valued at over $8 million dollars of revenue. Furthermore the company multiplied their market share by more than 10X, from 3% to about 37% in one year, and has been able to grow it since, to over 50% today.

Achievements: With the help of Nomadigo Can-Am the Maverick launch surpassed expectations selling out of the entire allotted inventory, gained a tremendous amount of market share, and is now considered the dominant player with more than 50% market share, for off-road adventure tourism vehicles in the Israeli market. This transformation from a small presence, to a major market player, happened in under a year and dramatically increased the reach, exposure and revenues of Can-Am Israel.

Vehicles Sold:     200+
Revenues:           $8M+
Increased market share from 3% to over 37% in one year. Today they are at over 50% of the SBS market. 





2M+ Outreach of Campaign
15.5% Average CTR
3M+ Views
30% Viral Share Rate
58M Impressions
200 + Vehicles Sold
$8M+ Revenues
37% Market Share Attaind
50%+ Current Market Share